Sometimes you may need to reschedule an appointment to a colleague within the organization, for example, due to illness or other absence.
Here's how to reschedule an appointment to someone else:
Go to the appointment in the calendar, click on the three dots in the menu at the top right, and select Reschedule to another healthcare professional.
Choose which healthcare professional you want to reschedule the appointment to.
Locate the booked appointment in your calendar, displayed on the right in the view, and drag it to the correct slot in the other healthcare provider's calendar. Then click Save.
To have the Reschedule to another healthcare provider option displayed, you need to have both the roles of healthcare provider and scheduler. The button won't appear if you only have the healthcare provider authorization.
You can move multiple appointments from the same day at the same time. When an appointment is rescheduled to another healthcare provider, both the patient and the healthcare provider (both the previous and the new one) will receive a notification. You can only move appointments that are already booked to another healthcare provider. Bookable slots in the calendar cannot be moved.