You can customise how you present the home page of your clinic in the patient app and web interface, as well as configure which patient pathways will be available in your clinic. As an administrator, you can configure which buttons are displayed, in which order, what pathway each button leads to, as well as the icons and texts presented in the buttons. You can even select which reason(s) for contact patients are able to choose from when they click on a button and activate or deactivate the option for patients to upload images and fill in forms.
To manage these configurations for the home page of your clinic, go to Patient Interface from the left sidebar and click on Clinic.
You will see an overview of the buttons created for the clinic. For each button, you can see the preselected icon, title, and channel. You can also see if the button is activated (i.e. visible to patients on the home page) or not.
To add a new button to your clinic, follow these steps:
- Hover over the plus icon at the bottom right corner of the interface. Click on Create a new button.
- Select which channel the button will lead to when the patient clicks on it: Booking, Drop-in, New message, or External content.
- Select the icon that will be displayed on the button. You can either use your own image file in .svg format or choose one from the Visiba icon library. Click on Visiba icon library to download a zip file with a selection of usable images in .svg format.
- Click on Choose file to upload the icon you have selected. The icon will be displayed in the preview to the left.
- The next step is to add the text that will be displayed on the button. The title text should be concise and clear, while the subtitle can be used to provide additional information. Enter button texts for all the languages activated in your clinic.
- If you create a button for external content, you need to enter the link to the web page as well as the text for the button, in order for the button to redirect the patient to the right page when they click on it. It is important that the website you link to has a secure connection, i.e. that the protocol is https:// and not http://. However, https:// does not need to be entered when you add the URL – this is retrieved automatically. Feel free to open the link in another tab, copy it and paste it into the field, to ensure that the link will work. If you have several languages enabled, you can use different links for different languages.
If the button does not open correctly in the patient web interface, if you want to activate mandatory login to access the button, or if you want to know more about the possibilities with deep linking, contact the Customer Care team (Support) at Visiba. - Finally, configure the patient flow for the button and the settings for the selected channel.
Button settings
You can configure a number of settings for each button in the patient interface.
Reason for contact
If your clinic works with Reasons for contact, you need to specify which Reasons for contact the patients can choose from, for appointment booking, drop-in and messages. If you activate only one Reason for contact, this is automatically selected when the patient clicks the button. If you activate several Reasons for contact, the patient can choose from these. The Select all option means that the patients can choose from all the Reasons for contact in your clinic, even the ones that may be added after the date the button was created. If this function is deactivated in your clinic, this drop-down list will not be displayed at all. To activate Reasons for contact in your clinic, go to Organisation: Reasons for contact.
Please note: If the Reasons for contact are deactivated at the time you create a button, and you decide to activate them after the buttons are created, the 'Select all' option will be automatically assigned to all the buttons. You may need to manually go through the buttons to configure specific Reason(s) for contact that you want to correspond to each button.
Case description
For Booking and Drop-in, you can select whether the field Case description will be visible or not to the patient. The field is displayed as the last step before making a booking or before a patient queues for a drop-in room. If you work with forms, where patients can describe their case, it may be an advantage not to show a description of the case to avoid unnecessary documentation for the patient.
Upload images and files
For Booking, Drop-in, and New message, you can choose whether a patient can upload images and files.
Select a waiting room
For the Drop-in option, select whether the patient has the option to choose from all your open drop-in rooms, or enter directly to a specific waiting room that you have chosen for this particular button.
What to consider in different channels
In order for the patient to be redirected to the right pathway, it is important to consider the following before creating/activating a button that leads to a specific channel:
Check that there is an active waiting room in Drop-in: Settings.
New message
Check that Conversations initiated by patient are activated in Message: Settings before you create or activate a button that leads to a new message. If you disable Patient-Initiated Conversations, you will also need to disable the button that leads to a new message.