At the Drop-in heading from the main menu to the left, you will see a note on the number of people queuing in the waiting rooms you have access to.
Click on the heading to go to the drop-in view. Here you can find a list of patients queueing in drop-in. You can filter different waiting rooms and statuses. If you have several digital clinics within the organisation, you will also be able to filter by clinic.
On the widget to the right of the view, you will see the waiting rooms that you have access to and whether they are open or not. You can also choose to show yourself as active, i.e. visible to patients.
You are normally logged out of Visiba Care when you have been inactive for 30 minutes – however this is overruled, if you are active in a drop-in waiting room. In this case, you remain logged in and can receive notifications, for example, when a patient enters the queue.
To get more information about a waiting room, click on it. You can see which colleagues are active in the waiting room, the opening hours or you can temporarily close the waiting room.