Assign a conversation to a colleague
You can easily hand over a picked-up message conversation to a colleague, a feature that can be valuable e.g., in case of vacation, sick leave or when other expertise is needed to help the patient.
- To reassign a conversation, click the three vertical dots from the upper right corner and select Reassign.
- Select the healthcare professional you want to reassign the conversation to and write a message about the case. Please note that you can choose among colleagues who have access to the Messages function in this specific clinic. The green circle next to their avatar displays which healthcare practitioners have been active in the last 30 minutes.
- Compose a message about the case and click on the Reassign button.You can use predefined text templates, both personal and the ones that the administrator at your clinic has created in a shared phrase library. You search for the template by typing a text shortcut and then select the template by pressing Enter.
- The healthcare professional you have reassigned the message to can now continue the dialogue with the patient and view all the messages previously exchanged in the conversation. The patient receives a notification that the conversation has been reassigned to another healthcare professional.
Reassign a conversation to another clinic
You also have the option of reassigning a conversation to another clinic, or putting it back in the inbox of your own clinic. After it is reassigned, the conversation comes directly to the inbox for unmanaged conversations at the clinic that receives the case.
Note: This functionality is being rolled out, and is not yet available to everyone. Contact Visiba if your organisation needs to move conversations between clinics.
To reassign a conversation to a clinic, follow these steps.
- Click on the three dots at the top right and select Reassign.
- Click Reassign to clinic and search for the clinic to which you want to submit the conversation. You can either choose another clinic within your organisation, or return it to the inbox at your own clinic.
- Write a comment to the clinic and then click on Reassign at the bottom right. The comment can only be read by you and your colleagues and is not communicated to the patient. The patient is notified that the case has been handed over.
- The conversation is now displayed under Unmanaged conversations at the clinic to which you reassigned it. Healthcare professionals at this clinic get the same type of notification as if a patient had initiated the case (text message, email or push notification, depending on the settings).
- By clicking on the conversation, the healthcare professional sees that the conversation has been handed over, who has handed it over (and from which clinic) and which previous messages have been sent and can choose to pick up the conversation.
Handover via the message overview
If you want an overview of all ongoing message conversations at a clinic, you can click on Overview under Messages in the left menu.
In the overview, you can, for example, see the reason for contact, the date the conversation started, and how much time has passed since the last response was sent. If your organisation uses Red Robin, you can also see the conversation's priority.
If you want to hand over a conversation to a colleague, for example, in the case of illness or other absence, click on Handover. Choose the colleague to whom you want to hand over the conversation. Note that you can only select colleagues who have access to the message function at your specific clinic.
The colleague you hand over to can now continue the conversation and also has the ability to view previous messages sent in the conversation thread. At the same time, the participant will receive a notification that the conversation has been handed over.