Ordinary opening hours
To add or change ordinary opening hours in a drop-in waiting room, follow these steps.
- Go to Ordinary opening hours. You can find the subheading under the Drop-in category on the menu to the left.
- Your waiting rooms will be displayed. Click on the waiting room you want to add or change opening hours for. You will be directed to an overview of the waiting room opening hours.
- On the right side, you can change the opening hours. Click on the plus sign on the right of the day and fill in a new time.
- Click on Save.
Diverging opening hours in drop-in
If your clinic has diverging opening hours on certain dates, for example on bank holidays, you need to enter these manually. To add or edit diverging opening hours in a drop-in waiting room, follow these steps.
- Go to Diverging opening hours under the Drop-in category on the menu to the left.
- A list of waiting rooms will be displayed. Click on the waiting room you want to manage.
- On the right side, you can see an overview of the waiting room ordinary opening hours. On the right, you can add or change a diverging opening hour.
- Choose the date you want to manage diverging opening hours for. Click on Add.
- Here you can select which opening hours will apply to the clinic or select Closed all day.
- Click on Save.
- To remove a diverging opening hour, click on the three vertical dots at the right corner and select Remove.
Note: The times inserted as diverging opening hours will replace ordinary opening hours for that day.