We hope you have had a great summer. We certainly did, especially since we’re now integrated with GP Connect! That means that the Consultation Note, together with other consultation information, will be able to transfer as a Consultation Report to the patient record in the EHR (EMIS and SystmOne) directly within the platform.
We are continually enhancing our user experience, and in the next update, which will be released on the night of Thursday, 31 August, our customers can look forward to:
- Patients will be able to use the service via the web interface without having to download the app. In this release, we are starting the rollout, and during the autumn, all of our customers will get access to the feature.
- Smoother flow and ability to provide immediate feedback for patients who start a messaging conversation.
Further down in the article, you will also get a sneak peek at other updates we have planned.
Patients can use the service via the web interface on mobile phones
We are now starting to roll out an update that will significantly enhance patient experience - patients will be able to use the service via the web interface on their mobile phones! This allows them to book appointments, write messages and soon also have video appointments, without having to download the app. This lowers the thresholds and makes it easier for patients to use the service, which can facilitate the first digital contact with the healthcare provider. The mobile web call will initially be opened up to guest participants, but will eventually be available to patients as well.
In this release, we start the rollout, and during the autumn all our customers will have access to the web interface on their mobile phones.
Smoother flow and ability to provide immediate feedback to patients who start a messaging conversation
The flow will now be more intuitive for patients who start a messaging conversation. After sending their first message, they will be taken directly to the conversation. In addition, if the clinic has activated auto-reply, they can receive immediate confirmation that the message has been received.
Coming up soon in Visiba Care
This autumn, we will be releasing an improved version of the patient summary for booked appointments, which gives healthcare professionals a better overview. It will be easy to find all relevant information linked to the patient case, and direct access to the draft journal entry will make it easier to safely and efficiently transfer information from Visiba Care to the patient record.
We will also start rolling out a new view for My Cases in the apps, which mirrors the view in the web interface. This means that patients will recognise themselves and have the same user-friendly experience, whether they use the web or the app.
You can read more detailed information about the release in our release notes which are published with each update. You can also get an overview of the different user permissions each change applies to and the upcoming changes in the patient apps.